Monday, 19 March 2007

sundeep - self evaluation

I feel that this term I have tried my best in terms of homework, contributions in class, working independently, etc. I feel that I should get a 1 for attainment, as I feel that I have submitted all my work in on time, and tried my best to be vocal in class more, which was one of my targets to improve on last term. I also put 100% in all of my homework and essay that I do, and I do them to the best of my ability.

In terms of effort, I feel that I have put a lot more effort in this term than last term; I always try to produce the best quality of homework, with better presentation than last term. Also, in class I listen attentively, and I’m always keen to learn more. I feel that I should receive a 2 for my effort.

I feel that I am very punctual because I always come on time in media lessons; this is because I enjoy media, and I also really enjoy the lessons it self. I always give a positive attitude towards media, and being punctual in lesson makes me feel that I have a positive attitude towards the subject. I also think that I have not yet been late to any media lessons this term and should get a 1 for it.

My submission of work has been around 90%, and I feel that I am really benefiting from the homework, as it allows me to develop my media skills, and better my understanding of the subject. I also said that I should improve my presentation in work, and I feel that it has been greatly improved; I feel that I should get a 2 for my homework. I think I work well as an individual, because I listen carefully in class and when I do my homework, I try to use and apply what I already learnt and what I learnt in class on that day. I try not to relay on others so much, because I feel that I should be mature and attempt things on my own, as an individual – I should get a 2 for this.

Also, my writing skills are always improving, and as every term goes by – my writing skills become of a higher standard. This is because I use new terminology that I learn in class and apply my understanding of it; I feel that I should receive 1 for my independent work. However, my media folder does seem to be outdated, and perhaps a little out of order, I will try my best to sort my folder out – 3 for my folder.

I feel that I have started to contribute a lot more in class than last term, and I am more vocal and confident in class, because I’ve got to know the people more, and because it was one of my target areas to improve in. however, I don’t feel that I contribute often enough and although I have started to be vocal, I still need to be more vocal. I would give my self-2 for this.

Still my, comment and contributions to the blog have not been sufficient enough, and I need to put up a lot more comments.

I feel that we have made a lot of progress in our group, and I feel that I have put a lot more effort and thought in the group than last year in year 11. Especially with the new blog, I have tried my best to keep things updated, and I would give my self a 2 for this part of my self-evaluation.

I feel that the standard of our blog is very high, because we have kept everything up to date, and all our research of the trailers we have studied is also posted up. I feel that our blog is up to date and so I’d give a 2 for our blog.

Targets to improve

1. Post more comments on the blog and write in a little more detail

2.Keep my folder up to date, and in a good order.

3.Try and make the best practical production that my group and I can make.

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