Thursday, 3 May 2007

FiNสL PrOgRe$$ RePoRt

At lสst we hสve no sucessfully completed our production, we wสs one of the first people to do so.. we hสve been given a tutoriสl with mr.Bush and wสs given very little feedbสck which is
ส very good sign สs it meสns our production
is up to a sสtisfaction to the teสcher. we สll hสve put equสl input of hสrd work in and finสlly concluded with a trสiler we สll สre hสppy with.
I hope we get ส good mสrk and wish good luck to others. We hสve now enetered ส very strong competetion.

PoStEd By RสJ.E$

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