Friday, 22 June 2007

11 June 2007


Dear Parents / Guardians

We are pleased to inform you that a high proportion of Year 8 pupils have done themselves proud so far this year, regarding attendance, punctuality, hard work, and good behaviour. We would like to acknowledge this by organising a Reward Trip to Coal Reef on Saturday 23 June 2007.

The coach will be leaving from the top of the Lady Margaret Road, by the school’s side entrance at 8.30 am. promptly. Pupils should get on the coach between 8.15 am. and 8.20 am. We shall arrive back at school at 6.15 pm. Please indicate on the attached form if you are happy for your child to make their own way home, or if you intend to pick them up. At the end of the trip the coach will be dropping off pupils by the school’s side entrance on Lady Margaret Road.

Pupils are requested to bring a mobile phone with them, plus any necessary medication. Students will also need extra spending money for drinks, and will need to provide their own lunch. They may take a packed lunch, or buy food at the many food outlets. However an addition of £1 may be needed for the usage of lockers at Coral Reef( pupils between 2 may share if they like)

Students will not be directly supervised while at Coral Reef. However, there will be an emergency contact point staffed at all times throughout the day. In the unlikely event that your child encounters a problem he or she may either visit staff at this point, or ring us on the school trip mobile: 07947253946. Alternatively, pupils can approach a member of Thorpe Park staff.

There will be a meeting for all pupils going on this trip, on Wednesday 20 June 2007, in Room A17, after school, at 2.45 pm. until 3.05 pm.

We must stress that staff have given up their free time to organise this trip to reward the many students who have worked hard and behaved excellently, and have a good attendance record. We reserve the right to only take those pupils who have met these criteria, and continue to do so.

If you feel that your son or daughter deserves a place on this Trip, and if you are willing to accept the terms laid out in this letter, please fill in the attached form and return it together with a cheque made out to ‘Greenford High School’ for £24. (Apologies, we do not accept cash or postal order payments). This sum covers the entrance to Coral Reef, transport by coach and full personal insurance cover. Please write your child’s name and Form on the back of the cheque.

Your payment and application form should be handed in to Mrs Octave in Room H06, behind the English block, from Tuesday 12 June onwards, at morning registration only.

Yours sincerely

David Clare

Reward Trip Coordinator


Saturday 23 June 2007

Name of child in CAPITAL LETTERS: (First name) ………………………..……...

(Last name) …….………………………….

Form: ……………………..

Dear Mr Clare

Please tick all the appropriate statements

I would like my child to go on this trip to Coral Reef on Saturday 23 June ……..

I enclose a cheque for £24 ………

I have written my child’s name and Form on the back of the cheque ………..

My child is healthy and well enough to go on this trip. If this changes between now and the day of the trip I will inform you in writing ……….

Please give details of any medication your child is currently taking (eg. asthma inhaler)


Does your child have any medical conditions / disabilities / special needs? YES/NO

If you answered ‘Yes’ to the above question please state the medical conditions / disabilities / special needs your child has


Where relevant please indicate how you would like your child to be supported on the day of the trip


In the unlikely event of emergency I give permission for any necessary medical treatment to be carried out ………..

Please give details of any medication or treatment your child is not able to take, for whatever reason


I understand that this trip has been organised to reward students who have worked hard, behaved well, and who have a very good punctuality and attendance record. ......

I give permission for my child to make their own way home from school at the end of the trip at 6.15 pm.……….

I will pick up my child from the school’s side entrance in Lady Margaret Road at

6.15 pm ...........

If you are unavoidably delayed we would greatly appreciate it if you could ring us on the school trip mobile (07947253946)

Please provide 1 or 2 contact numbers you or other family members can be reached on during the trip, in the unlikely event of an emergency.



My child will be bringing a mobile phone with them, so they can contact GHS staff during the day if there is a problem, or if they become separated from their friends. I understand that pupils will be asked to ring parents if there is an unavoidable delay on the return journey and it looks like the coach will be arriving back more than 10 minutes after the agreed time (6.15 pm) ...........

Please provide here the number of the mobile phone that your child will have with them on the day of the trip:


On some previous GHS trips photographs of participating pupils and staff have been taken and displayed on Notice Boards around the school. Do you give permission for photographs to be taken of your child on the trip with the purpose of them being displayed around school and possibly having them on the school website?


Signed: .......................................................................................... (Parent / Guardian)

Please print your name here: ......................................................................................

Date: .......................................................................


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