Tuesday 13 February 2007

Progress report for Tuesday

We got a lot of filming done on Saturday and got a lot of the shots that we wanted, I think that some of the shot are very good and were planned carefully, but then again some shots were rushed. We hope to get some good feed back, and do some more filming this week.
Sundeep kahlon

1 comment:

Final Beat said...

Progress report: for saturday we succeeded in our filming and actually got quite alot of footage, whilst filming we had many brainwaves and also had quite alot of unplanned footage, e.g.,we were walking down the high street and saw my refelection in a puddle and decided to include this in our footage as it is unique and clever. Also a car scene was produced, which we needed to do, and then took some different angles for that. Moreover, we spent the majority of the time on the morning scene which proved to be difficult that it was meant to be. however, we finished the day with good footage. for sunday i have spoken to some mates and sunday we will be filming the gang scene moreover i spoke to a friend who has a motorbike, so instead of a drive by shooting in a car, we can make it more realistic and unique by a motorcycle drive by. and also for sundays filming we should be going ostley park to film there.

JaGi:filmed on 10th and to be continued on the 18th.